- £37 Billion on Track & Trace App
- £3.5 Billion Written Off Bounce Back Loan Fraud
- £8.7 Billion Unused PPE Discarded
Wasted Government Spending Needs To Stop
Let’s get this clear, £1 Billion is 1000 x £1 Million. As a measurement of time, 1 million seconds = 12 days. 1 Billion seconds = 35 years! Be in no doubt, 1 Billion of anything isn’t a small sum.
While simultaneously raising National Insurance to raise £12 Billion per year, this Government is spaffing Billions down the drain unnecessarily.
£1 Billion saved is £1 Billion earned.
The £37 Billion spent on the Track and Trace App would have bought us almost 10 new aircraft carriers! Only a few years ago we were considering leasing one of our two “unaffordable” air craft carriers to another country to save money. But today our Government is pouring cash down the drain as if it has no value at all.
The track and trace app is a phone app?? Where has the money gone? Whose pockets did it end up in?
We have been printing money for a decade. We have had low growth, high taxes and a Government that gives money away to everyone except for the hard pressed tax payers that are having to dig ever deeper to pay for the governments mistakes.
We have the highest peacetime Government borrowing in history.
We have furlough payments taken by large companies that didn’t need them not being returned. Companies that are restoring their shareholder dividends because the government has topped up their bank accounts. All this while the Government suspects that furlough fraud may exceed £30 Billion!
At the same time millions of SME owners fell through the cracks and received no help at all. No system rolled out so quickly can be perfect, I grant you, but too much support ended up where it wasn’t needed, while never reaching many that did need it.
Personally, my household was not eligible for a single penny of support. Thankfully for us we had some savings that we had spent many years accumulating, so while half the country was being supported and paid for doing nothing, we were left to support ourselves with our retirement funds. I understand that many people were not in that position. I am aggrieved that we had to support ourselves while so many others enjoyed a paid holiday in the sunshine. Our savings were for our retirement, so we will now be working for much longer before we can afford to retire.
There are millions just like us, ignored and left to fend for ourselves.
We need to crack down on Government waste. Politicians just don’t get it. I would go as far as to suggest that nothing costs as much as our Government pays for it. Nothing. From paperclips to construction, the Government repeatedly pays top dollar.
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If we didn’t waste all this money, we would be able to reduce taxes, remove VAT from heating bills and help millions of people who are just getting by.
How many times have you heard of Government departments getting rid of their budget just so as they get the same funding again next year. We reward Government departments for wasting money. The system is designed to promote waste, managers are rewarded for wasting money.
There is an alternative. Departments across Government need to be rewarded for saving money, for spending it wisely. Every penny that isn’t wasted is a penny less that needs to be collected in tax. The Government seem to think we are OK with the current rate of tax in the UK. We are not.