- Reform Social Care Funding
- Reinstate Sacked Staff
- Ringfence longterm personal care fund accounts
Social Care
Social Care planning. Traditionally, UK Governments collect tax (in different guises), and then spend the monies collected on what they think best.
We have a system of robbing Peter to pay Paul which has existed since the 1950’s, for Pensions as well as long term care.
We need a growing workforce every year to pay NI to fund the ever growing Pension and Social Care requirements.
Unless we take steps to break this cycle, it will never end.
Imagine a Country where we put the Pension and Care portion of your National Insurance (NI) into a personal savings fund. This fund would grow across 50 years, providing a greatly enhanced fund to finance your Pension and Social Care requirements.
The current state pension is a maximum of £179 per week, or £775 per month.
If the same NI payments were invested in your name for your 50 year working life then the same money would pay you around £2,500 per month.
There would of course be some financial pain switching to a sustainable pension and care system that will look after us much better in retirement, but if we don’t reform the system and put a graduated switching process in place we will never reach the point when the system looks after us adequately.
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Social Care Funding
Not everyone ends up requiring care. Many people never need to live into a care home, but for those that do it is an expensive proposition. Average care home costs run at around £1000 per week or more. £50,000 per year.
Governments funding private social care homes is an expensive way to run the sector. In essence, the Government is funding the profits of private business.
The Government has recently added 1% to NI to pay for social care (This represents a 10% increase in NI, not just 1% as described). They have redirected it into the NHS in the short term, but technically that 1% is earmarked to fund the care requirements as and when required without taking the total value of your home in exchange.
If this NI contribution we rolled into your personal pension fund, then if you require a care home your fund will be able to fund it, and if you don’t need it, it should be a willable sum you can pass on to your relatives or next of kin.